
今どんな生活を送っているか、僕が好きなように書くだけのものです。興味あったら寄ってみてください。この僕のお話Australia編は終了いたします。   続きましては、たつやの成長日記(日本編)で!

Who cares.

When i came to Australia, i didn't speak English which means i couldn't make many friends anywhere.

Now, i do speak English a little bit but not properly.  I have learnt some necessary things when i was staying a country.  So i became not to care about making some mistakes. 


" Who cares.''

Actually, i have known this sentence on YouTube.

I always watch YouTube for studying English instead of using a text book.  And then i didn't study English with the text book for about 2 weeks. 

I'm having a exam tomorrow in a language school, i'm a bit worried about it. Perhaps i will go the same class that it is first time i went to there😭.

But, it's okay i think i can have a fun everywhere.

So, i have to get up early tomorrow morning.  

See ya, bye.


Sweet dream!