
今どんな生活を送っているか、僕が好きなように書くだけのものです。興味あったら寄ってみてください。この僕のお話Australia編は終了いたします。   続きましては、たつやの成長日記(日本編)で!

to be age managers

Today is Sunday. I thought what i should do.


I did take a test about Age Managers of Lifesaving on PC.

We can take a test online. How do you like it?

It is easy because i don't have to go somewhere for taking a test, but i'm sort of anxious.


I reckon Australia's IT develop more than Japanese's.

I don't have any knowledge about IT so i'm getting scared.  


I have passed my test also i can help Nipper's training at surf club every Sunday.

I'm glad i passed that test.

So i can learn how to teach some Lifesaving skills for children they want to do Lifesaving.

My final purpose is ''To spread Lifesaving skills in Japan''.

Sounds good, isn't it?

I will try to learn lots of things from Australia.


Ok,  i will make pasta for dinner!

