
今どんな生活を送っているか、僕が好きなように書くだけのものです。興味あったら寄ってみてください。この僕のお話Australia編は終了いたします。   続きましては、たつやの成長日記(日本編)で!


What guess!


Finally... i've bought a surf board.


This is my new board. Actually it's first time to buy a surf board.

Looks so cool, doesn't it?

I know you guys are looking at me. 

How do you like about my board and me?☺


Who want to say ''You look so different''. Apparently, i'm getting old. So I have to do more exercises and hair cut. I'll think about hair.


Alright, time to go to bed. I'm tired.

See you guys tomorrow.


Good night.💤