
今どんな生活を送っているか、僕が好きなように書くだけのものです。興味あったら寄ってみてください。この僕のお話Australia編は終了いたします。   続きましては、たつやの成長日記(日本編)で!



楽しくなってきたーーー! おやすみ


すっごく素敵な家庭にお邪魔させてもらってます! トランプしたり、散歩したりほんとにのびのびと充実した日々を過ごしてます! 明日も思いっきりたのしむぞ! おやすみ


今日はトリケラトプスを作りました! おやすみ


これ、コアラみたいじゃない? ウォンバットって言うんですって! かっわいー! おやすみ


I touched koala today. I have itches on my right hand. It's so cute. I had seen the other creates. They are cool. Tail seems to be head.😅 It's weird‼ 今夜はピザでした! おやすみなさい!

seize the day

この言葉をホストマザーから頂いたんですけど、すごく大切なことなので書いて残します。 今を楽しむって言う言葉なんだけど。 今日を悔いなく過ごして、あしたはまたさらに充実させようってこと! 今日は朝ウォーキングしました! 砂浜歩いて、 こんな所も!…


I had a rest on the beach. Sunset is best. さてと、また明日からも頑張りますか!

Today's dinner

I ate the hamburger of KFC. It was good. 今日1日ホテルに寝たきりでした。 逆に疲れました笑 おやすみなさい


燃えるほどあつい。 何してるんや!って思われるかも知れませんが、hairdresserに来ました。 頭が冷たい?あつい?よく分からない痛みに襲われています。 初めて体験してるけど、ここまでしてみんなは美容室に通ってるんかと、感心しました。 出来上がりが楽…

Do do do

I do karate. I like karate. I belong to karate club. Everyone so kind and i'm happy. Tomorrow i will stay back packer. See you! 空手始めました! 素敵な時間を過ごせてます、日本人が外国の先生教わるのって、なんか素敵やない? 飯食って、すぐ動…


I finished the job. I have a lot of reasons. So i don't have doing recently. I'm thinking the other thing. 最近なんと言っても寒いです。 三日月の綺麗な日でした! またね!


I watched "duck shooting". It's so amazing. I thought my ears were broken by loud sound. I want to try it.Today's happening. I touched electronic fence. I was surprised. Be careful!It is big day!今日はファームによくある電気線に触れてしまい…


一昨日のブログの英語の文章は間違ってますね。 昨日は暖炉用の木を集めたり、洗車したり、おうちの手伝いしました! あとはちょっぴりサイクリング。 今日はいまからシューティングを見てきます! では!


I did kendo today. It haven't been long time. I showed kendo to karate club mates. I seemed i bacame a star. 頭が回りません。 剣道を披露して、空手を見学しました! また月曜日に披露します。 大してうまくないので、きちんと伝えられてるのか心配…


Hey guysToday i went to Japanese class. I met a japanese women. I was able to speak Japanese.I will practice teaching skill of japanese. It's so cold. I need to put on the shoes.Good night.

Depend on situation

今日は船に泊まってるんですけど、ほんとにでかい船が係留してありました。 デカすぎる。 僕の泊まらせてもらってる船の3倍はあるかな、同じマグロ漁のふね。 見た目強そう。 そんなことより、仕事がなかなか始まらんから、色々聞いたらまだまだ再開しないら…


I fed a bird today. The bird is white and black colour. It is liking people. It's cute. Good night😪

Today's thinking

It's mother's day. What did you do gays. I rang my mum. I'm happy because my family is fine. And i gave present to host mother. It's origami. My skill of origami is not good but my heart was made beautiful things. I think so. She was happy…

Thought things of today

Hello, I appreciate reading my blog. Thank you. Ok! So firstly, I thought that I'm interested in the deep sea. Because it isn't known everything. I want to go to deep sea:) But It is a little bit scary. Secondly, I am longing for going spa…


Hi guys, 偉そうな目線からお話させていただきます。悩んでる人、特に自分に対して言いたいことですが…自分のため、誰かのために、ちょっぴりお話します。僕が大事だと思っていたことをうまく伝えることができる例え話を見つけました。それの紹介です。 マグ…


Hi I returned to the wharf. It was very hard job. But I didn't get seasick. Good job. We had caught a lot of tuna. Especially it is yellow fin tuna. Got ya I want to go to bed. But I'm not too tired to walk. 今回は船酔いもせず、なんとか仕…

My plan

Finally, I can go to fishing tomorrow. I'm going to get up about 3 o'clock. I'm looking forward to it. I mustn't be late. I have to go to bed early. See you next time. Good night✨

A good sleep

I have not been able to get up early. I woke at 7 a.m. today, but i couldn't get up then. I got up 11a.m. And then i teached Japanese to my host family. It was very difficult. But It became studying for me. My environment will be improve m…

Holy shit

I heard a lot of time that word today. "Holy shit" I went to somewhere today. I'm sorry I can't remember the town name. It's very nice. But I fogot my wollet. I couldn't anything. Just tasting some cheese. I wanted to drink a shake in chee…


Hi, I'm sorry I fogot to send a picture yesterday. Amazing It is too windy the entire today. I suppose nothing to do for two days. It is fun that i played the swing. Beautiful☺ I was scary because it is a little bit old. And then, i have b…

My job

I explain about my job. I'm a fisherman. But boat is maintenanced now. Recently nothing to do. We stay on the ocean 3 or 4 days when we go to fishing. I'm going to get a Yellow fin tuna, Marlon and extra. My dream is get a big tuna. See ya


Hello, how are you? I'm watching tvshow now. This program name is BRITAIN'S GOD TALENT. Just now, Japanese entertainer was enter it. His name is Mr. Uekusa. This is first time that I look him. He is very crazy! Because he take off him clot…


I'm sorry, I forgot to publish my blog. I went to the pharmacy yesterday and then I got a medicine of seasick. I was surprised. I could almost understand it that employee was explaining. Her speaking was very easy or my English was improve…