
今どんな生活を送っているか、僕が好きなように書くだけのものです。興味あったら寄ってみてください。この僕のお話Australia編は終了いたします。   続きましては、たつやの成長日記(日本編)で!





人間として成長中🚧🔩🔨⚠ もうちょいや!


特に特別なことはしておりません! おやすみ!

雷がひどいです。 雨もひどいです。 明日は晴れるかな?


最近はスケートボードにはまっています! 明日から練習再開するし、ヨーグルト食べよ! おやすみ!


やっちまったぜ。 仕事探します!


よし! あと少しだ! 今日の僕!


シーズンスタート!! 明日も頑張ろー!


やること決めて、よしっ! ってなってるけど最近なかなか行動出来てない。 朝することをまとめます。 ○4時45分起(水、土、日曜以外) 泳ぐor走る ○ 水、土曜は5時半起 走るor海 ○日曜は6時半 8時からニッパーズのヘルプor監視 月〜金の日中は学校。そのあと海…


今日は寝ません。 なんてね。 おやすみ。


僕の肋骨に違和感が、 ひび?おれ? おーまいがー、 様子見ます。 I will see...


寝る1時間前から携帯見ない。 おやすみ!


I went to training in the beach. I thought I died by waves. So strong, i couldn't go to behind waves when i was tired. Be patient. Just do it. 波のパワーに圧倒されてます! もっと体力いるなー😭 おやすみ。

to be age managers

Today is Sunday. I thought what i should do. I did take a test about Age Managers of Lifesaving on PC. We can take a test online. How do you like it? It is easy because i don't have to go somewhere for taking a test, but i'm sort of anxiou…


自転車の世界大会に出ているプロの人、 パイロットの人、 カナダとアメリカを横断、縦断した人、 いろんな人と知り合いになりました。 自分のことを見つめるいい機会がたくさんできます。 ちっぽけな男のたそがれブログ。 大きくなあれ🌧


I'm learning Chinese with my room mates. I heard that English and Chinese became universal language. I have to study English also Chinese too So hard. Today's training was not so hard. But my board hit me. My right leg is sore. Waves weren…

going to watch a movie

ってことで、もう寝ます! まちがえた、映画見ます! おやすみ!


I didn't go to school today. Just i'm lazy. I will go to school tomorrow. I had a good time after training. We had a bbq party with club mates. A meal is the best after training that was too hard. I want to beat ○○.☺ 学校さぼりましたー、寝…

i'm sleepy

I'm always sleepy. We have three Taiwanies and three Japanese in my room. We go to bed late everyday. Because we are talking about our selves in English. I think it is good for student. Ummm, i ate a whole of pizza just now. Good night.

sooo hard.

It was too windy today. Today's my menu was board session. It was just to go behind a wave and return to shore. I was going to do three times. But i couldn't because of it had such a heavy current. I'll do all of them next time. My boddy i…

What i did today

I bought a pair of thongs and bought a cap as well. Those are good and cheap. I'm satisfied it☺ I have got a test at school tomorrow. I have to take a test every monday. I must study for tomorrow's test but i'm already in bed. It means... …


It is my first time to use my new surf board. My skills was Terrible:( I haven't cought any waves. I should go to the beach mostly. And i went for a 6km run with my friend who was using a skate board. It was hard but i had a good training!…


I'm studyinging English at school. I think it doesn't help me. I recognized it is the best for learning English that i would stay at the country. Now, i'm trying to make friends. It brings back memories that i was child. How did i make fri…

like a ..

I'm not interested in everything. Bugger!


Hi guys. I'm worried about my plan. I want to get up early but i can't. Please wake me up every day at 5am. I'll try it by myself.. I like a nice and warm bed💤 Time to go to bed!? So early. I will chenge my bad habit. Bye.


So... what do i talk to you guys. Ummm.. Ok. Someone please say '' Don't work too hard''. Nobody say that. Just do it instead. I'm going to talk to you about that. I went to trainning. Today it had a board session. I haven't paddled a boar…

New challenges.

I went to school and took a test. What do you think of my result. My teacher said '' You were doing well. Your score is very good.'' But it was compared to my first time score. I can go to 4 level class. It's good but not very good. I thou…

Who cares.

When i came to Australia, i didn't speak English which means i couldn't make many friends anywhere. Now, i do speak English a little bit but not properly. I have learnt some necessary things when i was staying a country. So i became not to…


What guess! Finally... i've bought a surf board. This is my new board. Actually it's first time to buy a surf board. Looks so cool, doesn't it? I know you guys are looking at me. How do you like about my board and me?☺ Who want to say ''Yo…